Tuesday, 24 June 2014


Matariki costumes
gear list
0. old belt
1. Scissors
2. Paper
3. Old dress (blue or black)                                     4.old t-shirt ( blue or black )
5. Tin foil
6. Glue gun
7. cardboard
I am going to white the instructions on how to make a matariki costume.
Step 1 . Get the bottom half of your dress  and cut it in half .
Step2. Get the bottom half of your dress and your old t-shirt abd glue them together
Step3. Get your cardboard and cut it into a star shape and cover it in tin foil
Step4. Repeat step 3.three  times then glue the stars onto the dress.
Step5. Get your belt and add a star to the midel
Step6. Tie your belt the waist of the dress
Step7. Your matariki dress is complete